The system you are about to use allows only one person at a time to use a single account. This account is heavily accessed by many users. To make time for everyone, there is a 30 minute per session time limit. Please complete your work as efficiently as possible and close the window for this target site as soon as you are done. Sessions longer than 30 minutes are subject to forced closure without notice. If you cannot complete all your work in 30 minutes, please divide your work into segments that can be completed in multiple 30 minute sessions and be sure that others are given the opportunity to use the system between your sessions.
Because this is a single user account, you might find un-processed query requests or other information left over from a previous user. Be sure to check for this and make sure that the system is configured to process only the requests you want to submit.
If the target web page does not come up immediately when you click on the login link in the dropdown box below or if you have any other problems logging on, please call 1-800-578-1540 9am-5pm ET Weekdays.
Login Information
Manual Log-in Required
The external site requires manual log-in. Please use the Username provided below. These log-in credentials are case sensitive. Once entered, please select email address and a 6-digit authorization code will be sent to Gray Celestin.
Username: RealDataGA1
These credentials are ONLY for use when logging in from this system for this target site, using these screens. DO NOT, under any circumstances, attempt to change this Username and Password on the target site or record these credentials or use them is any way outside this system. Doing so will cause this system to become unavailable to all users and may cause this system to become unavailable to all users and may cause a lengthy outage before service can be restored. These credentials are changed regularly.